Wednesday, August 15, 2012

2012-13 Curriculum

A Little Schoolhouse 2012-2013 Curriculum

I have decided to finally use this blog I have been saving for a couple of years. I guess I just needed to start somewhere! This post is so I can begin recording what we study each year.This will be our 4th year homeschooling! Wow! I am becoming more confident as we go even though we are entering the more challenging years. I have seen my focus for our family shift to more spiritual growth allowing academics to come alongside after. It has made a world of difference in all our attitudes!

We are using Ambleside Online year 6 as our base with other books added or removed as needed. Studying Modern day, then beginning again with ancients. Both boys are in the same AO year, with the 8th grader doing higher math and science, and additional grammar work.

BIBLEContinue reading through the Bible in a year Continue sermon work
Book of Acts
Life of Paul

Historical speeches and long passages of scripture, TBD

Shakespeare play, King Lear
Plutarch lives: Pericles, Fabius, Nicias

History/History Tales/ Biographies
What Everyone should know about the 20th Century, Axlerod (selections)
Tales from Ancient Egypt,, Green
Augustus Caesar’s World, Foster
The Story of the Greeks, Guerber
Genesis, Finding our Roots, Beechick
Augustus Caesar’s World, Foster
The Story of the Romans, Guerber
Never Give In, Churchill, Mansfield

 Watch The Sound of Music(T1), Swiss Family Robinson(T1) The Ten Commandments(T1), The Hobbit(T2), Ben Hur(T3)

Book of Centuries
Begin new book with study of ancients.

Book of Marvels, the Orient, Halliburton
Missionary Travels, Livingston
Bible maps, Wall Maps, journaling

Natural History/Science
Handbook of Nature Study, Comstock
Nature journaling
School of the Woods, Long
The Sea Around Us, Carson (skipping over evolution in chapter 1)
C 6th grade Apologia General Science with labs and journaling
E 8th grade Apologia Physical Science with labs and journaling

Science Biography
Albert Einstein and the theory of relativity, Cwiklik
Archimedes and the Door of Science, Bendick
Galileo and the Magic Numbers, Rosen

C 6th grade: continue MOTL, using Khan Academy
E 8th grade: Algebra 1, Foerester, with home study companion cd from Math without borders


Penmanship/Copywork/Spelling Dictation
Spelling Wisdom, vol 1-5

Gardening, Farming, Cooking, Automobile maintenance
 Foreign Language

Finish Getting Started with Latin, Linney
Begin First year of Latin, Gunnison and Harley, with Linney lectures online
Boys may study chosen languages of Mandarin and German in their free time.

T1 Robert Frost
T2 Carl Sandburg
T3 Alfred Noyes

We will read selected poems and discuss, some memorization, and adding to journals.

Art/ Composer

Renoir/ Debussy
Ruisdael & Hooch / Bach
Seurat/ Opera Overtures

We will look at/ listen to selections during lunch and tea time, then add journal entries and drawings.

Age of Fable, Bulfinch, finish book this year
The Hobbit, Tolkien
Call of the Wild
Animal Farm, Orwell
Swiss Family Robinson
(Iliad)Tales of Troy and Greece, Lang
Ben Hur

Additional Reading

The Cat of Bubastes, Henty
Joel, A boy from Galilee

Fairyland of Science
Tom Sawyer, Twain
Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry
Miracle on Maple Hill
Von Trapp Family Singers
Snow Treasure
Rob Roy
Huckleberry Finn, Twain
Little Men, Alcott
Jack and Jill, Alcott
Cricket on the Hearth, Dickens
20 thousand Leagues under the Sea
God’s Smuggler
Carry on Mr. Bowditch
Goodbye Mr. Chips
Number the Stars

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